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    Appearance Information

    Appearance Date (Required):

    Appearance Time (Required):


    Case Name & Case Number (Required):

    Type of Appearance

    Details of Type of Appearance, if necessary to clarify above

    Type of Case/Facts (Required):

    (Brief Description of case and other relevant facts needed for appearance)

    Attorney Information:

    Name of Attorney of Record (Required):

    Law Firm Name:

    Address of Attorney of Record (Required):

    City (Required):

    State :

    Zip Code (Required):

    Attorney's Direct Contact Numbers (Office & cell) (Required):

    Email for Attorney of Record (Required):

    Enter Email:

    Confirm Email:

    Facsimile of Attorney

    Status of Client:

    Court Information

    Court Branch / Department / Judge (Required):

    Place to Appear:

    Street Address (Required):

    City (Required):

    State :

    Zip Code:

    Client Information :

    Full Name(s) of All Client(s) You Represent (Required):

    Does Your Client Currently Demand or Waive a Jury Trial?

    lnjuries and Damages (Medical / LOE):

    Summarize injuries and damages as applicable:

    All Parties Served & Appeared:


    Who Is Not served; Why; When will be served, explain details here:

    Continuance of Hearing Requested:


    Basis of Continuance Request (Good Cause should be explained in detail and how long) :

    Unavailable Dates For Any Future Appearances:

    Case Ready for Trial / Not Ready / Why / Trial Length; explain:

    Discovery Status (Optional)

    Summarize what discovery is complete, what discovery remains incomplete and when counsel anticipates completion date

    ADR Desired(Type, When, Other)

    Desired Outcome / Additional lnstructions

    Your desired outcome and any additional information we need to help achieve it. (Required):

    Will Client Be Present at Appearance?


    By submitting this form you are agreeing that you have read, understood, and agree with the Terms of Service & Agreement Click Here To Read Please provide your electronic signature below to complete the form and your agreement

    Type In Your Name Here (Required):


    Please upload documents (Complaint, Charging Documents, Police Report etc.) you believe are important for the appearing attorney to review and be aware of to achieve your desired outcome.

    Also, please upload the completed, dated and signed Credit Card Authorization form(Download Here)


    Please type in exactly the numbers/letters above into box below-Thank you: